Iechyd a Lles
Health & Wellbeing
Gweledigaeth Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad:
Ein gweledigaeth yn y Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad Iechyd a Lles yw datblygu disgyblion sy’n gallu:
Bod yn lythrennog gorfforol
Cysylltu iechyd meddwl gyda iechyd corfforol
Rheoli emosiynau
Cysylltu deiet gyda bywyd iachus
Gwneud penderfyniadau da er mwyn dilyn bywyd hapus a iachus
Gwneud penderfyniadau moesol a herio rhagfarn
Arwain yn hyderus
Adnabod y pwysigrwydd i gefnogi eraill a disgwyl cefnogaeth
cyfoedion -
Datrys problemau mewn ffordd creadigol
Dangos gwytnwch
Dangos uchelgais wrth ddysgu’n annibynol
Area of Learning and Experience Vision:
Our vision for the AoLE of Health and Wellbeing is to develop pupils who can:
Recognise the importance of supporting others and having the support of others
Lead others confidently
Make moral decisions and challenge prejudice.
Make good decisions in order to live a happy healthy life
Combine a healthy diet with a healthy life
Regulate their emotions
Combine a healthy body and healthy mind
Be physically literate
Show ambition while learning independently
Show resilience
Solve problems creatively