Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg
Science and Technology
Gweledigaeth Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad:
Rydym ni fel Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad am i'n dysgwyr...
Ennyn chwilfrydedd i ddeall sut mae'r byd o'n cwmpas yn gweithio
Uned Gwenyn
Uned Cynaladwyedd a phlastigion
Uned e-Ddiogelwch
Datblygu sgiliau ymchwiliol ac arbrofol er mwyn dod i'r afael o'r byd o'm cwmpas
Ymchwilio a dylunio
Defnyddio technegau amrywiol wrth ddefnyddio peiriant chwilio ar-lein
Fanteisio ar gyfleoedd unigryw ac eang wrth brofi eu dealltwriaeth
Cwestiynu'r byd o'n hamgylch gan ymchwilio ac arbrofi, i fod yn greadigol ac arloesol i ddatrys problemau go iawn
Uned Diogelwch
Uned Cynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol
Ddatblygu meddylfryd creadigol i ddiwallu anghenion a dymuniadau cymdeithas
Adnabod cyfleoedd i ddatrys problemau
Croesawu heriau sy'n eu hannog i gymryd risg, i arloesi a gwerthuso, a dysgu sut i ddarganfod atebion yn annibynnol.
Uned Iechyd a Diogelwch
Asesiadau Risg
Codi eu dyheadau er mwyn eu paratoi ar gyfer y 21fed ganrif trwy ehangu eu gorwelion yn y maes STEM
Profiadau allgyrsiol e.e. Her Lego, Formula 1
Cyd-weithio gyda mentrau fel Technocamps
Teithiau amrywiol
Profiadau Gatsby
Gwybod sut y gall datblygiadau technolegol arloesol a materion amgylcheddol cefnogi gwelliannau mewn perthynas a'r byd.
Uned Cynaladwyedd
Feithrin sgiliau hanfodol ac i ddatblygu ar hyd y continwm dysgu
Pontio a gweithgareddau clwstwr
Area of Learning and Experience Vision:
We as a Learning and Experience Area want our learners to...
Inspire a curiosity to understand how the world around us works
Saving the Bees scheme of work
Sustainability and plastics scheme of work
e-Security scheme of work
Developing investigative and experimental skills in order to come to grips with the world around me
Research and design
Use various techniques when using an online search engine
Take advantage of unique and wide-ranging opportunities while testing their understanding
Questioning the world around us by investigating and experimenting, to be creative and innovative to solve real problems
Security Unit
Future Planning Unit
Developing a creative mindset to meet the needs and wants of society
Identify opportunities to solve problems
Embrace challenges that encourage them to take risks, to innovate and evaluate, and learn how to discover solutions independently.
Health and Safety Unit
Risk Assessments
Raising their aspirations in order to prepare them for the 21st century by broadening their horizons in the STEM field
Extracurricular experiences e.g. Lego Challenge, Formula 1
Collaborate with initiatives such as Technocamps
Wide ranging excussions e.g. Bletchley Park, NASA Florida, The Mini Factory
Gatsby experiences
Know how innovative technological developments and environmental issues can support improvements in relation to the world.
Sustainability Unit
To foster essential skills and to develop along the learning continuum
Transition and cluster activities